Monday, December 12, 2016

Dear 4C:

Remember, Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday will be early release days; the students will be dismissed at 12:30.

We will be having our Robin Hood party on Thursday and there are still some spots open to volunteer:

Please make sure you sign up for the parent/teacher conference for December 3rd or 4th.

This week we will finish Robin Hood with a test on Friday. This assessment will be an essay. We also finish Chinese history with a test on Wednesday (Open Note). There will be no Spalding this week.

When the students come back from the break, they will be reciting "Paul Revere's Ride". Please make sure to help your student memorize the poem by then.

Remind your student to get in any missing work or corrected papers.

Have a good week!

Mr. Leonard

Monday, December 5, 2016

Dear 4C Families,

Here are some dates to be aware of:

December 15th: The fourth grade class will be having a Middle Ages feast and activity day. Please look for a volunteer sign-up in the next few days.

December 14th-16th: The last Wednesday-Friday before break will be early release at 12:30. Please make arrangements for you child.

December 19th-January 4th: Winter Break

January 3rd-4th: Mandatory Parent/Teacher Conferences. I will be sending you a link to sign up for a time to meet.

January 5th-6th: The students will be reciting "Paul Revere's Ride". You are welcome to come and watch your child, just let me know (when the date gets closer) that you want to be present and I'll let you know the time frame.

Speaking of "Paul Revere's Ride", as we've been practicing in class, I've noticed that many are not keeping up with the required stanzas. Please continue putting in the effort, before the break, to memorize this poem. I do not want this to add any stress to you during the holidays.
Academics for the week:

Test on Chapters 7-12 of Robin Hood on Wednesday.

Test on Converting Measurements on Thursday if you’re in my math class.

Test on Magnetism and Electricity on Friday.

The students will receive the study guides for all of these tests.

We are continuing with Chinese history
Please have your child complete any missing work and correct any tests/assignments that they did not do well on.

Have a great week!

Mr. Leonard