Monday, December 12, 2016

Dear 4C:

Remember, Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday will be early release days; the students will be dismissed at 12:30.

We will be having our Robin Hood party on Thursday and there are still some spots open to volunteer:

Please make sure you sign up for the parent/teacher conference for December 3rd or 4th.

This week we will finish Robin Hood with a test on Friday. This assessment will be an essay. We also finish Chinese history with a test on Wednesday (Open Note). There will be no Spalding this week.

When the students come back from the break, they will be reciting "Paul Revere's Ride". Please make sure to help your student memorize the poem by then.

Remind your student to get in any missing work or corrected papers.

Have a good week!

Mr. Leonard

Monday, December 5, 2016

Dear 4C Families,

Here are some dates to be aware of:

December 15th: The fourth grade class will be having a Middle Ages feast and activity day. Please look for a volunteer sign-up in the next few days.

December 14th-16th: The last Wednesday-Friday before break will be early release at 12:30. Please make arrangements for you child.

December 19th-January 4th: Winter Break

January 3rd-4th: Mandatory Parent/Teacher Conferences. I will be sending you a link to sign up for a time to meet.

January 5th-6th: The students will be reciting "Paul Revere's Ride". You are welcome to come and watch your child, just let me know (when the date gets closer) that you want to be present and I'll let you know the time frame.

Speaking of "Paul Revere's Ride", as we've been practicing in class, I've noticed that many are not keeping up with the required stanzas. Please continue putting in the effort, before the break, to memorize this poem. I do not want this to add any stress to you during the holidays.
Academics for the week:

Test on Chapters 7-12 of Robin Hood on Wednesday.

Test on Converting Measurements on Thursday if you’re in my math class.

Test on Magnetism and Electricity on Friday.

The students will receive the study guides for all of these tests.

We are continuing with Chinese history
Please have your child complete any missing work and correct any tests/assignments that they did not do well on.

Have a great week!

Mr. Leonard

Monday, November 28, 2016

Dear Families,

I hope you had a wonderful Thanksgiving break! The students certainly deserved some time to relax and be with family.

This week will begin our unit on China. We focus on ancient China and the dynasties that culturally shaped the largest nation today. 

In Science, we will shift our focus from magnetism to electricity, The students should enjoy the multiple demonstrations we conduct using currents and light bulbs. 

In Math, we will be working on conversions of different units. Some of the imperial units simply need to be memorized.

1 gal = 4 quarts
1 quart = 2 pints
1 pint = 2 cups... and so forth.

In Literature we will be continuing with Robin Hood and finish chapter 10 this week. 

**Please continue helping your child memorize "Paul Revere's Ride". I'm encouraging each student to put in 10 minutes a day. I would like them to have it memorized by the time we go on winter break, so they can just work on the presentation and hopefully give you a break, too.**

The administration has begun a new policy. If your child has missing work, you will get an email from Jupiter (our electronic grading system) once a week. Please encourage your child to make up any missing assignments. Let me know if you have any questions or if you need anything clarified.

Sunday, November 20, 2016

Dear 4C Families,

I hope you're all looking forward to the Thanksgiving break. Reminder: we will not have school the 23rd-25th and Thanksgiving is an R&R Weekend.

Before Thanksgiving, we will have a history test on Monday, chapters 17-21.

We have a Math test on Tuesday covering fractions.

We will have a Literature test on Tuesday as well covering chapters 1-6 of Robin Hood.

Thanks and have a great week!

Mr. Leonard

Monday, November 14, 2016

Dear 4C Families,

ReminderMandatory Fall Concert: November 17th,
The students need to be in class by 6:30 - The Concert is from 7-8  
The students can not be picked up early from the concert.

The students will need a 9-volt battery for science.

We will be finding out who represents our class in the Spelling Bee this week. You can find out more at

We are still collecting stuffing for our food drive.
We are also still collecting box tops.

Academics: We are starting magnetism in Science, ending Middle Ages (the test will be the week of the 21st), continue with Robin Hood (we will have a quiz on chapters 1-6 the week of the 21st), and continue with fractions with a quiz also the week of the 21st. Notice a lot of tests/quizzes the week of the 21st. 

If you haven't gotten Robin Hood, please get it ASAP
Please make sure your child has completed any missing work and/or corrected anything that needs to be corrected. Thank You.


Mr. Leonard

Wednesday, November 9, 2016

Robin Hood ISBN is: 978-1890517168
No school on Friday, November 11 due to Veteran's Day

Fall Concert: November 17th 

A Note From the Music Teachers: Concert Attendance

**Attendance at the upcoming Music Concert is MANDATORY. Please remember that students are expected to stay for the entire concert performance. Students' Participation grades for the semester are pending upon them staying for the entire performance. Teachers will not sign a student out until the very end of the concert. If a student is signed out early from the concert, they will receive a deduction in their Participation grade in Music for the semester.**

Academics for the week:
The chemistry test will be on Thursday. The students have their study guides. We will only have 20 spelling words this week : )

We will start Robin Hood on Wednesday. 

We will conduct our spelling bee the week of the 14th.

Monday, October 31, 2016

Dear Parents,

Important Dates:
Fall Concert - Thursday, November 17th - This is mandatory.

  • We are collecting empty, small food cardboard boxes (like mac and cheese and cracker boxes). They will be used by the PSO to make decorations for the Fall Concert.
  • The fourth grade is collecting stuffing for our school-wide food drive.
The students will be having a spelling bee and the top finishers in class will compete for the school and continue on from there. 

We will have a test in Middle Ages on Wednesday, and on Friday there will be a math and spelling test.

We will be finishing up Prince Caspian on Friday and the test will be at the beginning of the next week. Our next book will be Robin Hood.

Wednesday, October 26, 2016


Literature Day - Friday,  October 28th, Dress as your favorite Character (optional) and the end of the Read-A-Thon. In addition, students may bring a pillow, blanket, and/or flashlight so that they may read in comfort on Friday. 

Students may also bring a few books from home on Friday as there will be additional reading time that day. 

Thank you!

Monday, October 24, 2016

Dear Families,

Important Dates:

Literature Day - Friday,  October 28th, Dress as your favorite Character (optional) and the end of the Read-A-Thon

Fall Concert - Thursday, November 17th (mandatory)

The students brought home a permission slip for you to sign if they would like to dress as a favorite character. On Monday, I hope to have clarification on what is and is not acceptable. 

Here's some more information from Ms. Blasi about the Fall Concert:

We will be having an Archway Lincoln Library Book Drive at our Fall Concert on Thursday, November 17th.

We would love to raise the book count in our lovely library, and we need your help!
Bring new or lightly used books to donate in the following genres:
• Biographies
• Non-Fiction
• Classic Literature
Check out the Archway Lincoln PSO website for the Book Wish List!
Thank you for supporting our school!

Please contact Ms. Blasi, our music teacher, if you have any questions.

This week we will continue with Prince Caspian, the Middle Ages, Chemistry, Spalding and Grammar. The only test this week is the spelling/phonogram test on Friday.

Please continue practicing phonograms

Thank You!
Mr. Leonard

Friday, October 21, 2016

Dear Parents,

I would like to thank Mrs. Filleman for bringing cookies in today as well as a card for the students to sign for my birthday. They wrote beautiful notes and I was moved by their kind words.

Thank you,

Mr. Leonard

Wednesday, October 19, 2016

Dear Parents,

Welcome back from break! I hope it was relaxing and enjoyable for your students. They certainly earned it.  Thank you all of those who were here for Parent Teacher Conferences. I enjoyed talking about your child's progress and their performance thus far. If you have not yet conferenced with me, please reach out to me via email at and we can find a time to meet.

I am excited to announce the addition of Mrs. Fullerton to the 4th grade team. She is going to be an excellent teacher's assistance and we are blessed to have her.

This week, due to the shortness of it, we will not be having any Spalding words. Spelling will begin again starting next Monday.

We have a Prince Caspian quiz on Friday on Chapters 1-7. Students will be bringing their completed work home with them on Wednesday which they can use to help review what we have read thus far.

On the Friday before break I gave each student a copy of Paul Revere's Ride by Longfellow. They are expected to memorize this poem by the start of the 3rd quarter for Project Week. We will be going over it in parts as a class and rubrics will be going home to practice from. It is your job to practice with your student and sign the rubric to confirm they have memorized the part assigned for that week.

If you have any questions do not hesitate to reach out. Thank you and have a great week!

Mr. Leonard

Friday, October 7, 2016

Dear Parents,

Please enjoy the R&R Fall Break, there will be no homework. I'm sending students home with a copy of Paul Revere's Ride by Henry Wadsworth Longfellow. Students are expected to memorize the entire poem by project week, the week after winter break. We will practice reciting the poem in parts, but if you would and your student would like to get a head start over fall break, please feel free to do so.


Mr. Leonard

Thursday, October 6, 2016

Dear Parents,

We struggled earlier in the year to make sure our names were on all of the assignments. We put in place a policy that if every student put their name on all their assignments ten times the students would not have homework that night.

We have reached ten days of "No No Names," so tonight, students only have math homework and need to study for their history and spalding quiz. They do not need to write down all thirty words one time but it would be encouraged.

The students have worked very hard this quarter and I am very proud of their progress. Please enjoy fall break!

Mr. Leonard

Monday, October 3, 2016

Dear Parents,

Welcome to our final week of the quarter. A few announcements before fall break:

Wednesday and Friday are half days this week. Please plan accordingly. My apologies for not returning graded materials to you the past two weeks. I have been holding onto tests and homework from all of the core subjects to review with you at Parent Teacher Conferences following break. If you have still not signed up please do at

We will be having our second Middle Ages test on Friday. It will cover chapters 6-10 study guide. Make sure your student is familiar with the Feudal system, the roles of knights and the roles of serfs.

In science we will be having a quiz on Volcanoes, Geysers, and Mountains. a study guide will come home on Monday that is partially filled out. They will be completely filled out by Tuesday, giving time to review Tuesday and Wednesday night.

In Math, we are starting a new unit on fractions. This is a time when pictorial representation in our Singapore curriculum is very helpful. We will start by comparing fractions and slowly move into operational functions.

In literature we are continuing to enjoy Prince Caspian. If you want to start memorizing Paul Revere's Ride over fall break feel free to do that. Students are expected to have the entire poem memorized by project week, the week we come back from Winter Break.

Thank you and have a wonderful week,

Mr. Leonard

Monday, September 26, 2016

Dear Parents,
On Thursday, September 29th – Wednesday, October 5th,  we will be hosting an Usborne Book Fair for fall. The goal of the book fair is to give our scholars the opportunity to purchase books for their personal library and promote a love of reading. It will also give the school an opportunity to add to its classroom and school libraries. The book fair will be held in the Archway Lincoln Library, and it will run from 7:30 a.m. – 4:30 p.m. every day, with an extended time period on Thursday 29th until 7:30p.m, during the Literacy Night event.  The book fair will be open to parents all day. Please, sign in at the front office before you proceed to the book fair. We are very excited that the book fair will afford our scholars the opportunity to develop great reading habits and discover a genuine love of reading and learning. The quality and content of Usborne Books is phenomenal.  Profits from the book fair will go directly to children’s books for the Lincoln library.
 Students will be allowed to preview the books on Thursday, September 29th . Students will visit the book fair with their teachers, and they will write a list of books (with prices included) they would like to purchase . Students will take the wish list home, and they can come back with their parents or teacher to purchase the books.  You may send an envelope with some money so that your child can purchase books from the book fair. Usborne accepts cash, check, and credit cards.  If you send a check with your child, it needs to be made out to our Usborne consultant, Kaycie Foster. Tax will be charged on all purchases, so take that into consideration when you are sending in cash with your child.
If you would like to purchase books to donate to Archway Lincoln , the book fair has a wish list for each classroom and specials teachers. We look forward to seeing your scholars and our entire school benefit from this event. I will be available to answer any questions at: . 

Friday, September 23, 2016

Dear Parents,

I made a mistake in my previous blog post. Our next book is Prince Caspian by C.S. Lewis. If your child could have that with them by Monday that would be greatly appreciated. Thank you and have an enjoyable weekend!

Mr. Leonard

Monday, September 19, 2016

Dear Parents,

A special note for this week: We have a half day on Wednesday AND Friday this week. Please plan accordingly.

In Literature we will be discussing conflict/resolution, as well as cause/effect relationships. This is our final week with Pollyanna. An assessment will be given on Friday. Please have a copy of The Wizard of Oz ready for your student come next Monday.

In Math, We will be learning about long division. Please use the "box" method that you are familiar. Students may check their work by multiplying quotient by the divider. Ex. 108 ÷ 9 = 12. Check your work: 9 x 12 = 108.

In History, students will have their first assessment on the Middle Ages on Tuesday. It will cover the first 5 chapters. Each student should have a complete study guide filled out.

In Science, our geology unit will focus on volcanoes. Feel free to ask your students about famous volcanoes in the world, and how they can both positively and negatively effect life on this plant.

Thank you and enjoy your shorten week.

Tuesday, September 13, 2016

Dear Parents,

I am looking forward to another great week! We have a lot of exciting activities this week, and feel free to ask your students what they have learned this week regarding Tsunamis and how our English language has changed over time.

In Math this week, students will be having a test on Thursday. This will cover addition, subtraction, and multiplication. It will also include order of operation and how to use parentheses. Please be sure to review the study guide with them.

In Literature, we are quickly approaching the end of Pollyanna. Please make sure your students have a copy of Wizard of Oz in the next couple of weeks. If you have not ordered a copy already, please do so soon. There will be a Pollyanna quiz next week regarding the latter half of the book. The most recent chapter has talked about paralysis, and feel free to talk to your student about physical disabilities. Talk to them about how to show dignity and respect to those with physical disabilities.

In science, we will have a test on Friday. Study guides are sent home on Tuesday. Do not expect students to be able to fully complete the study guide as of Tuesday night. We will go over it as a class and it should be completed by Thursday night. The test focuses on Earthquakes and Tsunamis.

In history we are learning about the split between the Roman Catholic Church and the Eastern Orthodox Church in the Middle Ages. We also spend time talking about monastic life and what it would be like to live in a monastery. For additional information, feel free to show your students a video on Monastic Life on Mount Athos, it is a very interesting piece and shows what life might have been like (

Thank you, and have a great week!

Mr. Leonard

Tuesday, September 6, 2016

Dear Parents,

Welcome back. I hope you had a restful Labor Day Weekend.

Our only test this week is in Spalding (Friday spelling test).

Geology test from last week will be going home on Tuesday. Students will be able to get half credit back by correcting their test. All parents must sign tests of students who received D's or F's and return them by tomorrow. If your student struggles to correct the test, they can work on them in school during lunch on Tuesday.

Thank you,

Mr. Leonard

Monday, August 29, 2016

Dear Parents,

Updates for this week as we head into Labor Day Weekend:

We will have a math test on Tuesday. Please focus on factors, prime numbers, and multiples.

We have a test on Pollyanna on Thursday. A study guide will go out Monday or Tuesday and students should review chapters 1-15 as well as their worksheets/glossaries.

We will have a Geology Test on Friday. A study guide will be given out that students may review.

As always, Spelling test on Friday with our thirty words for the week, and ten random phonograms. Thank you,

Mr. Leonard

Monday, August 22, 2016

Dear Parents,

Regarding the week of August 22nd-August 2nd

This week will have a quiz on Mountains. This will take place on Friday. Students will take their study guides home and study from this.

In addition, this week we are having our first Spalding Quiz. It will be 30 words and 10 phonograms. Please review phonograms every week. Students will bring home 10 words each night, which they will copy down three times with markings on lined paper (Wide Rule preferably). Please follow the directions on the homework sheet. This will be marked in their agendas as Spalding 3x. On Thursday Night, they will copy down all 30 words once. It will appear in their agendas as Spalding 1x.

Thank you and have a wonderful week.


Mr. Leonard